You Have What It Takes to Please God

When it comes to pleasing God, the big question is, can we do it? Do we have what it takes to make Him smile? Can we, who live in an imperfect world, bring a perfect God delight?

Peter gives us our answer:

We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power… 2 Peter 1:3 CEV

We have everything it takes to live a life that pleases our heavenly Father! His Word is true and unchangeable. Never at any time accept the lie that you don’t have what it takes to please God. The truth is that no one has any more ability to please God than you do.

With that said, here’s another thing to remember: you have the ability to please God, but it is up to you to utilize His power and live it out. God expects us to be faithful in what He’s given us. Paul says:

…Since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other… Romans 12:5–6 The Message

You were perfectly created by God to function in His kingdom, and you have the gifts and abilities you need to fulfill your specific assignment. These gifts aren’t cause for pride. They’re entrustments to be faithful with.

We must pay attention to what has been given to us by God. A person’s ability to write, teach, preach, sing, compose music, design, manage, organize, lead, interact with people well, and so forth are gifts given by God. If we keep that in mind, it guards us from the deadly traps of pride or envy. After all, as Scripture says:

Who made you superior to others? Didn’t God give you everything you have? Well, then, how can you boast, as if what you have were not a gift? 1 Corinthians 4:7 TEV

What gifts and talents do you believe God has given you to accomplish His work? Is anything hampering you from fully using your gifts and talents to advance His kingdom? Today, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His will and purposes for your extraordinary life. He will empower you to walk in everything He intends for you!


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