You Lack Nothing

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

- Philippians 4:19

In our world, we want things, we need things. With some of my friends, we joke about "needing" certain little things. We even draw out "need" and say, "You neeeeeed this!" That leaves us in a perpetual place of wanting. And when we don't receive what we think we need, we'll get upset, maybe take matters into our own hands (like Abram and Sarai in Genesis 16). When that happens, we get ourselves into trouble. When the love we give is not returned, the approval we desire is not received, the acceptance we want is not given, we can get frustrated. We can allow ourselves to wallow in our self pity.

There is a difference between wanting and needing. God gives us what we need, not always what we want. Sometimes He gives us exactly what we want. But sometimes He gives us what we need and that's not always the easiest thing to have or to go through. But the Christian life isn't about comfort. It's about our sanctification to become more like Christ.

When we focus so much on the things we long for but don't have, we take our eyes off of Christ and forget that in Him, we have all we need. He supplies all our needs and our God truly satisfies. God loves us deeply; God approves of us completely; God accepts us fully. In Christ, we lack nothing.

What are things you're so focused on “needing” that take your eyes off of Christ?

Whenever you find yourself longing for something you don't have, admit that desire to Christ and lay it at His feet. Then remember and thank Him for the things He has given to you.

Outreach Challenge:
Some time this week when you see someone in the military (or if you know of someone), thank them – either through a phone call, a letter, buying their coffee, whatever. Be creative, be thankful.

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