You Matter, Single Mom!

Whoever thought of creating a day to honor single parents was brilliant! That sounds like something Arise Ministries would have thought of, but apparently someone beat us to it.

Friend, as I’m remembering my own single parent days, I want you to hear what I wish someone would have told me if there would have been a National Single Parent Day back then. You are powerfully significant in shaping the well-being of your children. You matter more than you can possibly realize!

Now that my children are grown and gone with children of their own, I see your immense value more than ever! God could have selected anyone in the world to have been the mother of those children, but He chose you. Apparently He sees great worth in your ability to parent them well.

So at Arise Ministries, we are CELEBRATING YOU! And here’s why:

  • You are valuable because you are the one who gets up at two in the morning when the baby is sick…while you have to be at work by 8:00 am. (Help me, Jesus!)
  • You are valuable because you are the ‘in house’ bank, deposited with all the worries for the future. (Will the anxiety ever go away?)
  • You are valuable because you carry so many responsibilities with very little “me time." (What’s that?)
  • You are valuable because you are the disciplinarian when it would be easier to just let them do what they wanted. (I’m too tired to correct them 24/7.)
  • You are valuable because you pray with them at night and teach them God’s Word when it appears they could care less. (What do I do with my spiritually rebellious teenager?)
  • You are valuable because you are their primary model, shaping their beliefs, values, and self-esteem. (Why do I feel like I’m falling short?)
  • You are valuable because you are dealing with your concerns about finances and how you’re going to pay for your child’s soccer shoes. (How did you know?)
  • You are valuable because one day when the children are grown and gone and the subject of heroes comes up, they will think of you. (Will they really rise up and call me blessed?)
  • You are valuable because God sees everything about you and loves you anyway. You are His beautiful daughter, and He promises to never turn His back on you. (Oh, how I needed to be reminded of this when I feel unlovely or terribly discouraged.)

Yes, YOU are treasured! And  it is Arise Ministries’ honor to thank God for the great job you are doing and extend to you our sincere gratitude and praise!



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