“You’re dead to me.”
If you think Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank came up with this concept, think again. The apostle Paul said it in Romans 6:11-13 . . .
“Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.”
So we’re to remind sin, we’re ‘dead’ to it. It no longer has control of us. We’re alive in Christ. We’re no longer slaves to sin. We’re free.
The other day, I talked to two younger friends who used to be slaves to alcohol. It ‘owned’ them. Now, through Jesus Christ, both are free. Alcohol no longer owns them . . . they no longer “obey its lusts.” They try to do the next right thing, ignore the ‘call’ to alcohol and trust God for outcomes. They’ve exchanged bad friends for good ones. Their marriages are wonderful. Their lives are full of joy and they’re useful to God.
Using my own personal experience, here’s how I contrast being “dead to sin” versus being “alive in Christ.” Before Christ, I had to struggle not to sin to have a chance of being good. Now, I know I’m good (because of Jesus), and I have to struggle through His righteousness to intentionally sin. The Holy Spirit pricks my conscious. The “still small voice” reminds me of all He’s done for me.
The other night watching TV, a Viagra commercial started and I found myself on my feet leaving the room. God didn’t want my imagination engaged with a sultry woman. I wasn’t being self-righteous . . . something just told me to turn away . . . to get out. Before Christ, I always felt I was pushing through sin to be righteous. Now I feel I have to push through ‘His righteousness’ (not mine) to (intentionally) sin. Oh, I can still do it. Ignore God’s voice and I’m in ‘sin-free-fall.’ Most often happens with the sin of judging others. Once I break into that mode, it’s hard to stop. But then I feel like crap until I confess to God and repent.
That’s Jesus in you . . . in me. If we’ll just call on Him in the moment . . . talk to our ‘sin’ in first person. “Alcohol, you’re dead to me. Jesus I need you.” “Critical spirit, I’m not going to obey you.” “Spirit of fear . . . you’re fired! I’m trusting God and I’m not listening to you.” Might feel a little funny, but try it. Jesus responds and it works.
God will always do His part, but not your part. Resisting sin, however you do it, is your part. Deliverance is His. He always comes through when we call on Him.
Prayer – Thank you for my new life in Christ. Thank you for making me ‘new.’ Remind me how much this new life cost you Father, so I won’t take it for granted and be ungrateful. Please give us courage quickly when we call out to you. We love you Lord. In Jesus’ beautiful name we pray. Amen.