You Wear Jesus’ Jersey

Clearly, all of you who were baptized in Christ’s name have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27).

For Spirit Week at school, everyone loves Team Day. That’s the day you get to proudly declare which team is your favorite. Some kids choose jerseys from their favorite NBA teams, the ones with their favorite players’ names on the back. Other kids wear their own soccer team’s jerseys, the ones with their own names on the back.

The day you were baptized, you got your personalized heavenly jersey—with Jesus’ name on the back. Maybe you can’t see it, but God can. He sees Jesus’ holiness that covers you completely. He sees your jersey and says, “That’s my child!”

Other people see Jesus’ jersey on you too. You let them know you’re on his team by the words you choose, the attitude you have, and the kindness on your face. When you talk to them about the Brother who loved you so much that he was willing to die for you, you proudly declare whose team you’re on.

Every week is Spirit Week when you’re on Jesus’ team.

Chomp on this!

Have you been baptized? Ask your parents to tell you about it!

Dear Jesus, thank you for making me part of your team and for giving me your jersey to wear. When you died for me, you set the standard for how teammates should act. Help me love and serve everyone on your team the way you love and serve me. Amen.

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