You Will Do Great Things

“I am the vine. You are the branches. Those who live in me while I live in them will produce a lot of fruit. But you can’t produce anything without me” (John 15:5).

Every fall, all across the country, people head out to pick apples, buy apple pies, and drink apple cider. Not one single person who goes to an apple orchard looks for fruit on branches that fell off a tree in a storm. You know, the branches that are on the ground. That’s because everyone knows that if a branch isn’t attached to a tree, you won’t get any fruit. It just doesn’t work that way.

Yet some people think they can cut themselves off from God, their Creator, and still expect to do good things in their lives. But it doesn’t work that way. Jesus tells us that branches have to be attached to a tree to get the nutrition they need. Only then can they bear fruit. You have to be attached to Jesus to get your energy from him and to do anything that has true, lasting value. You might win championships, have a lot of friends, or make a lot of money, but none of that actually matters to God. Only when you are attached to Jesus will you bear real fruit: serving others and praising him.

Chomp on this!

What are the ways we can stay attached to Jesus?

What kind of “fruit” (good works) do we produce when we stay attached to him?

Dear Jesus, you are the vine. I am a branch. I know that I can’t do a single good thing without you. But I am connected to you. Because I get all my energy from you, help me be kind and do good things for the people in my life. Amen.

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