About this time, most people are busy getting Christmas trees set up in their houses. What’s your favorite part of the tree? Maybe it’s the lights that brighten up the darkness or the smell of the fresh needles (if you get a real tree). Maybe you like the ornaments best because some are yours: the handprint made out of modeling clay, the one that reads, “Baby’s 1st Christmas,” or the one you made last year in art class. Whatever you like best, the Christmas tree tells a story about your family. You can also use a Christmas tree to help tell a story about your Jesus.
Tree: The green reminds you of the new life Jesus has given you. The tree points up to heaven, reminding you to point others to heaven too.
Lights: Jesus, the Light of the world, is about to be born. You can shine your light by showing Jesus to others in the way you speak and act. As the lights sparkle, you remember to share your light with a dark world.
Tree topper: A star reminds you of the one that led the wise men to Jesus. A bow reminds you that the best gift of all time is lying in a manger. An angel reminds you to tell the same message the angels sang: “Glory to God in the highest!”
Ornaments: As you look at the ornaments that tell you about your life, you can think of Jesus’ life: his miracles, his words, his love. They can also remind you to tell the story of the good things that God has done in your life: how he watches over your family, gives you everything you need, protects you, and is always there for you.
Your Christmas tree is one way to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15 NIV).