Your Relationship with Your Family

The devil understands that there is exponential power in relationships. The Bible says that one can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight (Deuteronomy 32:30). When two people are unified and on one accord, they can accomplish great things. With so many relationships existing in a family, can you imagine the power that would be in a home if everyone was on one accord?

I can see families working together in their family business. I can envision families serving together in their local church and praying together at home. I’m reminded of what God said in Genesis 11 when the people worked together in unity to build the tower of Babel. He said,“…Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language…nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do” (Genesis 11:6). That’s right. Even though they were working for an evil purpose, the key is that their unity made them unstoppable. God Himself had to intervene. When families are on one accord working for the Kingdom of God, they can accomplish great things!

The devil certainly understands this principle about the power of relationships. He is petrified of a family that is united and reverences God, so he strategically plants seeds of division to bring forth turmoil in the home and ultimately destroy the family. Did he not do this with the first family established in the Bible? Satan, through his cunning and deceitful ways, filled Cain’s heart with his lies and caused him to envy his brother Abel and eventually murder him (Genesis 4). The devil did not want Cain and Abel to worship and serve God together. His tactics have not changed since the beginning. He continues to look for opportunities to sow division within families and to breed dysfunction and broken relationships. Jesus said in Matthew 12:25 that “every city or house divided against itself shall not stand…” Satan wants children to rebel against their parents; siblings to be at each other’s throats; and husbands and wives to be at odds with one another.

When relationships in the family are dysfunctional, that dysfunction will start a snowball effect: building upon itself and potentially destroying the family. Frustrated parents may inadvertently sow negative seeds into their children’s spirits. As a result, children may start to act out what was spoken into them. Rejection from such a significant person can lead to the child operating in fear, failure, and insecurity. Husbands and wives may allow arguments and disagreements to overtake them, affecting the mood and breeding a negative atmosphere of anger, bitterness and resentment in the home. With all these dynamics going on, you can end up having a house full of hurt, pain and frustration. Help us, Lord!

When family members are at odds with each other, they often become so preoccupied with the drama in their home that it knocks them off the path of their divine destiny and purpose. Unforgiveness, bitterness, and deeply held grudges can block the flow of what God is trying to do in their lives. For this reason, you must not allow the enemy to run your household. You must take authority by the power of God over every demonic force that comes to infiltrate your household. You must be the difference! 

An excerpt from “The Revelation of Your Relationships” by Deborah Dukes, pgs. 49–51

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