Your Role in the World

The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his eld. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.  – MATTHEW 13:24-25

God sows good seed in the world. We see the Lord’s good seed all around us: churches, ministries, hospitals, orphanages, families, and individuals who love and obey Christ.

However, while God is sowing good seed around you, Satan is sowing bad seed. He is creating evil in uences that seek to thwart God’s plans for good. Evil will mingle with the righteous until Christ comes to separate the wheat from the tares.

Further, the bad seed resembles the good seed, so its real nature is not revealed until it bears the fruit of its true intent. This is how two people can attend church together when one is going through the motions and the other is a dedicated disciple.

We are not the judge of someone’s soul. God is. Yet we can model what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus. For example, as we encounter con ict at church we can remain calm and express our concerns with a voice of reason and grace.

Your role is to represent Christ in your conduct and conversation.

It’s the Holy Spirit’s role to examine motives and expose evil intent—so celebrate God’s sowing of good seed and prayerfully trust in Christ’s judgment.

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