Your Safe Spot

All sorts of drills at school prepare you in case of an emergency. You practice walking outside for a fire drill, you head to the gymnasium or the basement during a tornado drill, and you know which safe spot in the classroom is yours during a stranger-danger drill.

What about emergencies in your life? The book of Psalms tells you over and over where to go in case of trouble.

“He hides me in his shelter when there is trouble. He keeps me hidden in his tent. He sets me high on a rock” (27:5).

“You are my hiding place. You protect me from trouble. You surround me with joyous songs of salvation” (32:7).

“Hide me from the secret plots of criminals, from the mob of troublemakers” (64:2).

When you are feeling scared by problems in your family; when you are afraid of moving to a new school; when you live in a dangerous neighborhood; when you are hiding because of fire, tornadoes, or hurricanes, God wants you to run to him and hide in his protection. Talk to him about what scares you. “Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

Chomp on this!

What in your life scares you?

Choose one of these passages (or another one that you like) and memorize it. Think of it and remember to hide in God’s protection whenever you are scared.

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