“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16).
When it’s time to board an airplane, you have to have a ticket to be allowed to walk through the gate. If you don’t have a ticket, you don’t get on the plane. It’s that simple. You can beg; you can plead; you can cry; you can try to draw your own ticket; but, let’s be honest, none of that will work. The airline has to give you the official ticket, or you aren’t getting on. You are left outside, and you watch the plane take off without you.
You can’t get through heaven’s gates without the right document either. You can’t ask nicely, you can’t beg, you can’t cry, and you can’t be such a good person that you earn your way in. The only way to get a ticket is from Jesus.
When Jesus came to earth, he obeyed every single one of God’s rules. Then, in your place, he accepted punishment for your sins. Finally, when he came alive again, he went to hell to let Satan know, “I’ve won.” When you were baptized, you got a baptismal certificate. It lets you know that Jesus washed away your sins and now you are his.
Through faith in Jesus, your baptismal certificate is your ticket to your heavenly home.
Chomp on this!
Make a list of people you know who aren’t baptized or don’t believe in Jesus. Talk about how you can tell them so they aren’t left outside of heaven.