You've Got to Let It Go

It’s a common story. Someone prays, pleads, pursues God’s will on a problem, and nothing seems to change. Then when that person is finally at the end of his or her rope—completely out of options—he or she gives up. Releases it to God. Surrenders and says, “Whatever, Lord. I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’ve got nothing left. It’s all up to you.” And then things begin to change.

This happens so often that it can’t be coincidental. People release a long-held problem to God with a new level of trust and find it being resolved within weeks, days, or even hours. Instead of pleading with God for change, they begin praising him for his presence, power, and love—or at least letting themselves trust his presence, power, and love—and circumstances suddenly shift. They learn to expect God’s goodness and then see evidence of it all around them.

When gratitude replaces complaints, peace replaces frustration, or joy replaces despair, the external environment often begins to rearrange itself. Intractable situations seem to become very pliable. Problems become powerless. Things change.

Maybe that’s the key to getting unstuck. This isn’t a formula; you can’t manipulate God with a few words of gratitude or faith. But you can certainly remove some obstacles with them. You may find that when you do, he’s ready to move you out of whatever you’ve been stuck in.

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