Great Leaders Are Servants First

So said Jesus as He illustrated servant leadership by washing His disciples' feet. Consider the passion of the Christ Who took up His cross and died on it for you. Consider that many leaders of governments around the world are called Prime "Ministers." Consider your passion for servant leadership.

Learn leadership by serving
Nobody anywhere was ever a better servant leader than Jesus Christ. Why? Because He came to serve even to the point of death. His story of servant-leadership changed history.

You build support by giving support
Great servant-leaders look at the organizational chart as a pyramid turned upside down. Instead of being on the top of the pyramid, the servant leader is on the bottom - supporting the people above - enabling them to act, fostering collaboration, providing resources and sharing power.

Nobody cares how much you know...
...until they know how much you care. Leaders have to make tough decisions. But that does not mean they have to be mean. Servant leaders care enough to confront and speak the truth in love. Be real about the situation, and be really caring about the people who follow you through it.

You must trust them first
If you don't trust a person to follow you, then don't ask. If you do ask, then you must trust them first. On the one hand, you must follow-up to inspect what you expect. On the other, if you don't trust them first, they won't trust you.

Why is it called Good Friday?
Because of the ultimate example of the Servant-Leader, Jesus Christ, Who sacrificed Himself for the good of the people who follow Him. Because He died once for all that they might live forever. Consider the Passion of the Christ. No wonder it is called "Good Friday."

What did Jesus say about "Servant-Leadership?"
"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." - Matthew 20:25-28

Follow the Leader Who rose from the dead
If you want to be a leader worth following, then follow The Leader worth following. Pick The One with all the wisdom and all the power. The One Who cared enough to die for you. The One Who is strong enough to live through you.

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