How to Love Your Job

Did you leap out of bed this morning thinking, "I can't wait to get to work!" If yes, hooray for you. If not, then read on to find out how to increase your enjoyment at work.

Love your job? Count the ways.
Grab a piece of paper. Time to tally the good things about your job. Search for the smallest as well as the largest of pluses in your job, and look for a balance in your favor. As for the minuses, see them as things working together for good in you. If love is a decision, then decide in your favor.

When your job is not so lovely or lovable
"If you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you're with," sings Crosby, Stills and Nash. Love is an inside-out thing that starts with you. Take this simple test. Dedicate yourself to loving your job this week, no matter what it looks like or how it treats you. Odds are that it will start loving you back.

Send your boss a thank you card
If there is anything that you love about your job, say so. "Thank You" cards to your bosses and best customers are a great way to build positive relationships and sow seeds for greener pastures tomorrow.

Two kinds of love
There are two kinds of love - "I feel like it" and "I make a decision." Which is the true love kind? Answer - true love is a decision you make to give your best when it feels the worst. Nothing demonstrates love more than doing what you have to do - anyway.

How many more miles and smiles ...
...will you go for a job you love? Twice as much, four times, 10X? When you are doing something you love - you are energized, focused and at peak performance. If you don't have a job you love, begin to look around at jobs that look attractive. But don't tell your present job. You don't want a break-up before you are ready to break up.

Would you love your hobby if it were your business?
What if you could turn your pastime into a full-time job? Before you leap, better make a list of possible pros and cons. Ask your family and friends. Do you research.  Lots of successful business people have turned their hobbies to profit because they love what they do.  

Love your job like you love God?
Would you believe that God not only cares about you, He cares how much you care for your job. Here's is something to ponder today for pursuit this coming week - "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men."

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