Know What You Believe

2 Timothy 1:12-14

All people have a belief system whether they realize it or not. Even those who claim there is no God have faith that He does not exist. What we believe affects every area of our life and shapes each decision we make, yet few of us take the time to really think about what we accept as true.

All belief systems have a foundation. Some people base their convictions on what fits their lifestyle, reasoning, and desires. But that is not to be the case with Christians—Jesus calls His followers to adapt life to their faith in Him and the authority of His Word.

Anytime we add other philosophies or ideas to Scripture or pick and choose which parts of the Bible to believe, we create our own version of faith, based on personal reasoning. God’s Word is the only true and reliable foundation for belief, because it contains the recorded thoughts of an eternal, omniscient God. All other concepts must be measured against Scripture to determine their validity.

Knowing what the Bible says is essential for developing a sound system of beliefs founded on the truth and wisdom of the Lord. This world offers many philosophies that sound good but are laced with lies. A faith anchored in what Scripture teaches is your protection against deception.

Each time you face a problem or decision, search God’s Word for the answer. Begin your day by reading the Bible and asking God to help you understand what He is saying. He loves communicating with His children, and as you spend time with Him, He’ll open your mind to know His thoughts.

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