Growing in Your Relationship with God

How close is your relationship with God? When was the last time you had a conversation with Him about something important in your life? When was the last time you shared your deepest feelings with God and sought out His response?

Unfortunately, there are Christians who take the first step of faith and begin a relationship with God, yet never move beyond the acquaintance level with him. Why? Because they haven’t made any moves to get to know God better. As a result, they miss out on much of the richness and depth of a life of faith.

If you want a closer relationship with God, here are a few ways to get better connected.

1. Prayer.
Can we expect to grow a relationship with another person without communication? We believe the answer is no. How does a person communicate with God? Through prayer.

Prayer is so much more than what society often portrays – a final plea for help in an emergency, or sharing a wish list with God as if he were Santa Claus. Prayer is communication with God. It allows us to open up to God and share our deepest needs and struggles with him. God doesn’t need for us to share anything with him, since he already knows everything there is to know about us. But we need it.

Just as we become better connected to a spouse or close friend by sharing our heart, we deepen our relationship with God through prayer. By learning to pray effectively, we can feel known by God, which builds our trust and connects us more deeply with him.

2. The Bible.
You might think it’s hard to get to know God, since it’s not often that he speaks out loud with his children. Fortunately, we have an entire book, the Bible that is essentially God’s love letter to us. Through the Bible, a believer can discover who God is, what He values, and how much He loves us.

As you’ve probably experienced this month, reading the Bible draws us closer to God because it allows us to know Him better. The words of the Bible are the words that God himself intends for you to read, understand, and use to build your life. The writer of Psalm 119 said of Scripture, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105, NKJV) By reading God’s Word, you can see God more clearly and know better how to follow him.

3. Worship.
What is worship? It’s more than simply singing a song to God on Sunday morning. True worship flows from a grateful heart that knows God’s mercy and grace firsthand. When you begin to comprehend who God is and what He did to save you from the penalty of your sin, the natural response of gratitude and reverence comes out as worship.

When you choose to tell God all that you’re thankful for, and how amazing you think He is, you’re worshipping. When you serve others’ needs as God directs, you’re worshipping. When you give to His church through your tithes and offerings, you’re worshipping. All these things not only express your gratitude, but also connect you more to God by increasing your love for Him. And this leads to another natural outpouring, which is actually a form of worship itself.

4. Obedience.
God loves you unconditionally; in other words, you don’t need to obey for Him to love you. He already does. But obedience does draw you closer to God, because it’s not just about following rules. It’s about discovering who God made you to be.

The things that God asks you to do are His way of directing you down the path to discovery. When you follow His directions, you become more like the person He created you to be and are CONTINUALLY equipped to carry out the unique purpose for which He created you.

Just as a child’s love and respect for his parents deepens the more he sees the results of following their guidelines, your love and reverence for God will deepen the more you obey Him. This leads to more worship and appreciation for God’s guidance, which leads to more obedience.

5. Community.
The Christian life was never meant to be lived in isolation. The Bible refers to the Church as a body of believers, each with different GIFTS and functions. Being a part of that body makes it possible for your growth to occur much more quickly and effectively. By celebrating how God is loving and caring for those around you, you will deepen your relationship with Him and them.

When you become a Christian, you begin a relationship with God. But that relationship remains undeveloped unless you pursue God. A relationship needs to grow in order to thrive. By intentionally drawing near to God through prayer, reading his Word, worship, obedience, and community, you will build a relationship that is full of purpose and love.

Deeper Conversation with God

You will grow in your relationship with God and in your faith as you pray. Spend a few minutes talking to God today.  While you pray, incorporate at least one idea from each category of the ACTS method.

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