Lead Us Back: Songs of Worship - Day 1

Introduction to LEAD US BACK: SONGS OF WORSHIP 30-Day Devotional.

Lead us back where we belong

Call us as Your very own

Lead us back

Safe into Your arms


The main message of this album lives up to the title!  ‘Lead us back’ is a consistent theme of not just the title song, but of several others on this worship album. God’s heart is always for people to find their way back to Him, for them to enjoy the thrill of rediscovering the eternal relationship they were meant for - whether it’s King David returning to God with songs and cries of repentance, or the Prodigal Son nervously returning to his father’s open arms, or the thief on the cross accepting the invitation of Jesus to be with him in paradise, scripture is full of examples of the journey back to God’s love, presence, forgiveness and grace. God’s promises to the Israelite people of freedom from slavery, of having a personal relationship with Him (apparent in the phrases “my people,” and “your God,”), and a land to possess, are still promises for us today.

Mac Powell, THIRD DAY’s lead singer and the writer of most of these songs, explains the album thus: This album is full of songs of faith -vertical music directed at worshiping God above. Most of the songs on the album come out of the Old Testament book of Exodus and the story of God leading His people back to the Promised Land, to where they belong; but also the songs remind us that Jesus leads us back to God.”

David Carr, THIRD DAY’s drummer, explains the album like this: “Each of us are prodigals, lost sheep, who need to come to the place where we cry out to God ‘lead us back!’ But also in a way, these songs help not just to lead us back, but to take us forward into an exciting and intimate place of encounter with, and dependence on the Lord. We hope that message comes through loud and clear!”

To make the most of these 30 days, we would suggest you arm yourselves with the following:

  • A Bible to read through the verses and passages listed.
  • A notebook to write down anything you are learning or believe God is saying to you.
  • A copy of the Lead Us Back: Songs of Worship album by THIRD DAY so you can listen to the selected song before you delve into the devotion.

Each day focuses on the theme of a song, has a Bible passage to read, some devotional reflection, and a short prayer.



As I begin this 30-day devotional, I pray that you would speak to me through your living Word and through these songs. I pray I would listen for your guidance and your encouragement. Give me the strength to act upon all you are going to reveal to me, and help me become more like Jesus.


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