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Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 1 Peter 4:9

David came home exceptionally late from a work retreat Wednesday night. Thursday morning he told me that he was just about to burn out, that going and giving too much was taking its toll.

I knew he'd be home by seven o'clock that Thursday night, and I decided to make his evening one he would really enjoy. I wanted David to feel special. I wanted to share hospitality, to go out of my way to make him feel welcome in our home.

I planned a big meal—grilled fish, baked potatoes, salad, and ice cream with blueberries—for dinner that night. I knew that David loves to sit on our deck, so I planned for us to spend some time out there that evening. I planned to fire up the hot tub after that, so he could totally relax before bed.

"Going out of my way"—doing a little extra, foregoing my conve­nience out of love for another—is often what hospitality is all about. Self­ishness, or thinking more highly of my own agenda than that of another, can be a major obstacle to this kind of hospitality.

On the other hand, reflecting on the selfless giving of the Son encour­ages hospitality. We see Him "going out of His way" as He left heaven to humble Himself to the point of death (see Philippians 2:8). Throughout the pages of the Gospels, we see Christ choosing to give caring priority to others. His example is encouraging and convicting.

I want my home to reflect Christ's kind of hospitality. I want those who visit to feel that hospitality, but more important than that, I want those who live there to dwell in it daily.

In what specific ways can you "go out of your way" to make your home a place of hospitality?

Father, give me ways to make my home a place of Your kind of hospitality.

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