Jacob was deceived by Laban when Leah was brought to him instead of Rachel. Anson McMahon shares on the story of Jacob and his relationship with God in Genesis 29.
God is calling us to serve one another instead of our ego. In God's economy, the great one is the one who serves. Anson McMahon explains teaching from Genesis 24.
In Genesis 24 we read about a moment that changed Isaac and Rebecca's life forever. Listen to a teaching on a radical love story in the book of Genesis.
Although Jacob wrestles with God for a blessing, a wrestling match is a perfect metaphor for Jacob's entire life. Anson McMahon explains through a study of Genesis 32.
The presence of suffering does not mean the absence of God. God had favor on Joseph even when He was accused and put in prison. Anson McMahon explains.
Learn powerful lessons from the marriage of Abraham and Sarah from Genesis 23. Through their example, we can learn how to respect and love our spouses in a better way.