The apostle Paul once told the Corinthians to "imitate me as I imitate Christ." Discipleship is the sincerest form of imitation.
The first of Jesus' seven statements from the cross shows His commitment and compassion for us. Even after the rejection, ridicule and ruthlessness, He intercedes with a prayer that God not hold His executioners accountable.
We have a Savior Who knows us by name, Who forms the righteous out of the rebellious and welcomes us into His kingdom when we place simple faith in Him.
Even as Jesus was suffering on our behalf, He was still thinking of others, even those who fled and scattered.
During a supernatural darkness -- no eclipse lasts for three hours! -- Jesus was forsaken by God that we might be forgiven by God.
Jesus' thirst was a felt need from human suffering, a need for spiritual communion -- and iHe still has a third for our devotion.