On today's podcast with Melanie Cogdill, Dr. Richard J. Poupard argues that lust after a woman is not an eye problem but a brain problem.
Social media is here to stay. But as we try to visually communicate the message of God's grace, Amber M. Stamper says, we must be careful in the way we use images.
As Christians, we shouldn't be sucked into the view that all truth is relative and that there's no such thing as absolute truth. Relativism sounds comfortable, but it's dangerous.
Does childhood religious indoctrination cause permanent harm? Join Melanie Cogdill and Paul A. Nelson as they discuss this issue on today's "Postmodern Realities" podcast.
Should Christians check their brains at the front door of their church? No! The Lord commands that you “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your MIND.”
Why should Christians actively engage with men and women of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, who present a false gospel by saying that African Americans will be saved by observing the Mosaic Law?