When do our differing tastes and preferences lead us to beautiful diversity and when do they lead us to a more controversial individualism?
In his farewell, Moses warns Israel that it's just as crucial to rely on God's provision when we're comfortable and secure. Join Groundwork in this biblical discussion of a comfortable life in Deuteronomy 8!
Join a Groundwork discussion about Deuteronomy 6 to discover what The Shema meant to Israel way back when and what it continues to mean for all of us yet today.
Join Groundwork in a study of Jude’s urgent memo to remain vigilant, recognize perversions of the gospel truth, and commit ourselves to God who can uphold us.
Join a Groundwork discussion about 3 John to learn about the spiritual gift of hospitality, gain understanding about Christian leaders, and discover what it means to walk in the truth.
The book of Philemon is a powerful letter. Join Groundwork in a discovery of how this memo from Paul to Philemon redefines the body of Christ and challenges us to live a difficult kind of love.