Pastor Jeff Manion explains why Paul's message to the Philippians remains timeless, and why the apostle's words are important for us to remember today.
To have real joy means to focus on the generosity of God that expresses itself through gratitude and praise, even in seasons of extreme pain and deep disappointment.
Who is lost in your life and needs you to invest in their spiritual journey? Just as Jesus lovingly and relentlessly pursued the "lost," so too should we.
We can choose to spend our money on personal possessions, or we can look for ways to honor to our Lord with it. In today's message from Luke 12, let's make sure our lives are "rich towards God."
If we want to honor God and learn to live well, then we will honor the Fourth Commandment.
Why did God give His people the Ten Commandments as they fled Egypt, and why are these same commandments important to us today?