Do you know how to comfort a stepchild whose mom is gone? Laura Petherbridge shares a few tips to help you manage the responsibilities and challenges of parenting.
Some parents need to learn how to let go of specific concerns for the sake of the children. A step family must choose the battles they want to face carefully!
Laura Petherbridge shares her experience to help you recognize, plan, and discuss what should and shouldn’t occur when someone in your family dies.
Laura Petherbridge talks about a moment when she tried to help a stepmom resolve a conflict with her stepson.
Do you ever feel like your stepchildren take advantage of you? Laura Petherbridge helps you determine when it is time to politely resign from a specific role as a stepparent.
There are times when being a stepparent can serve as an advantage. Children will sometimes share things with a stepparent that they will not disclose to a mom or dad.