Why don’t we each try the 1% Strategy? If we spent 1% of our day intentionally engaging our kids, we would be doing four times more than average.
I know He is in the midst of my thinking, weighing, sorting, and sifting. Yet, I also know He wants me to pray and allow Him to guide my choices.
Placing our personal identity into our chosen line of work is like leaning back in a chair. We look cool -- right up to the moment someone kicks the legs out from under us.
As a dad, and spiritual influencer in my family, I have to first know and live out God’s commands. Then, I am to teach them to my children.
I want the sin-to-restoration distance to be as small as possible. Instead of sinning in January and apologizing in July, I want to sin at 3:05 and apologize by 3:30.
God wants His glory and power shared – from one generation to the next. When we don’t do this, the consequences are dire.