We may struggle as reluctant converts, or we may not fully grasp the depths of God’s great reconciliation. But perhaps as we are moved to see a common inheritance as those in need of saving, we might be drawn deeper into the embrace of this God in pursuit.
In embracing all that is ephemeral about life, Jesus opens and offers His life for others. He extends an ironic invitation to accept ephemerality and death in order to truly find life—and to find it eternal.
God can and will make paths straight for those who find trust ... trust that often is matured by struggle and the courage to trod down crooked paths of disappointment.
Jesus Christ offers those who experience the free fall of suffering a firm foundation on which to land.
Assumptions about growth in the spiritual life can parallel assumptions about efficiency. Often, the drive to see measurable results creates unrealistic expectations.
Silence is often lonely, as the gospel writers suggest. And yet, there in the lonely, silent spaces, the still, small voice of God can be heard.