God’s goodness changes the way we see the world around us. It opens our eyes to a sense of wonder. We magnify God when we think about Him.
If we want to win the battle for our heart, we have to wage the war in our mind. The mind needs to be transformed and renewed not conformed to the patterns of this world.
You can measure the health of a relationship by measuring the number of undiscussables. We think hard conversations equals a bad relationship, but it’s actually the opposite.
Growing to a place of comfort is not what God has called us to do. We must get comfortable with being uncomfortable with the things that break God's heart and should break ours.
Obedience from the heart takes time. It requires us to trust in God's authority. When our picture of God grows clearer, our obedience becomes more consistent.
Extending forgiveness to those who have offended us is a true act of liberation -- not for the offender, but for us. Forgiveness is where freedom is found.