If you want to mature as a follower of Jesus, you must (by grace) align your desires with God's. Paul Tripp reveals Jesus' purpose, so that we can begin to ask from Jesus what He would want us to ask.
Concluding his action-packed first chapter, Mark records Jesus' famous act of healing the leper. Paul Tripp draws parallels between us and the leper -- not only his condition, his response to Christ's miracle of healing.
What do you tell yourself you need? Or that the world needs? Paul Tripp preaches from Mark's gospel on Jesus healing the paralytic, and how it's easy for us to prioritize things that are significant, but not essential.
If Jesus had told you to pick His 12 disciples, who would you have picked? Paul Tripp explains from Mark's gospel how we'd all omit Levi the tax collector and how our attitudes are like the self-righteous Scribes.
The greatest enemy of the true Gospel is a fake gospel of self-congratulatory self-righteousness. Paul Tripp explains from Mark's gospel why Jesus confronted the Pharisees so often on their traditionalism and legalism.
Paul Tripp teaches on the entire third chapter of the gospel of Mark and the six vignettes that display the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and how it's impossible to be neutral about the Son of God.