Excellence and abilities are God-given but a heart surrendered truly becomes a vessel for leadership in His kingdom.
Great things come out of the overflow of a healthy staff team and that health begins with love. Love is our highest goal and is the foundation on which everything else stands.
Engaging worship demands excellence, authenticity and leadership, but it's more than a show, a personal devotional or a cheerleading moment.
We need to remind ourselves that God’s primary mandate on our life — to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength — is impossible if we have no heart, soul, mind and strength to give!
When I am confident in what God has designed me to do and when I am resting in His promises the possibilities are endless. Fear shrinks and faith increases.
Change can sneak up on us, it can shake the foundation of our teams, and it can cause pain for all involved. But when you dig deeper change can look like, new freedom, new love, new health, and a new culture.