Although the book of nature and the Word of God aren't equal in authority or revelatory power, it is a serious neglect to focus on one at the exclusion of the other.
To those who are empty, confused or seeking, the unbearable lightness of being can be met in the abundance of His fullness—a gift by way of grace, not effort!
There are vested interests in the promotion of worry and the amplification of anxiety. But the Lord of history offers an alternative: Trust in Christ and be anxious for nothing!
There are worse things in life than not being nice! Perhaps being without Jesus is one of them?
God loves us as we are, but loves us too much to leave us as we are. If we can handle it, the truth will set us free.
Amidst uncertainty, cultural vaporization and constant change, there is the promise of the One who said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”