Armando Del Bosque, executive director of "His Way at Work," knows that accepting Christ into his life has allowed him to become someone he'd never have become on his own.
How do you trust Christ with childlike faith while still managing life's "brutal realities"? Peter Rosenberger learned that there's no situation so bad that it can't be made worse by living with self-induced guilt.
Jessica Lalley used to think of her identity in relation to her family name and reputation; yet, it was the women in her Bible study who helped her discover her real identity in Christ.
Raised by parents who taught him right from wrong, Heath McCulloch was a pretty good kid. But after a several life-altering events that caused him to evaluate his choices, Heath gave his life to Christ.
Atlanta-area director of Christian Medical and Dental Association, Bill Reichart shares why his heart and his life have been captured by Christ.
As Kurt Puterbaugh looks back on his life, he considers the many times he went left when he should have gone right. But after 28 years of too many left turns, Kurt made a decision to turn right—and that has made all the difference.