Man can't achieve his own salvation, but with God all things are possible, especially -- as Jesus is specifically talking about in Matthew 19 -- the salvation of man's soul.
In today's episode on 1 Peter 4, Jon continues the discussion on suffering. Only this time, we talk about why persecution might actually be a good thing.
In today's episode on 1 Peter 1, Jon talks about a faith that is undefiled, unfading and imperishable. What has the resurrection of Jesus achieved for us? Why is this faith so great?
In today's episode, Jon answers your questions. Why does God seem so violent in the Old Testament? How do you explain the Trinity? And how does he stay motivated to study the Bible?
In today's episode on Matthew 28, Jon talks about what Jesus' resurrection means for us as Christians today and suggests that maybe it's time we dug a little deeper into the resurrection.
In today's episode, Jon answers your questions including how to study the Bible without a devotional, what the kingdom of heaven is, and what does scripture say is the true sabbath day?