We don’t have to be silent in the rain. We can sing a new song and dance. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches that dancing in the rain means trusting God and exalting Him for His grace in our lives.
In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches how praising God in the midst of pain is about learning to trust the Lord, who is our Strength and Shield.
Our Good Shepherd is always walking with us in the valley. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches what to remember in our hour of trouble.
Through faith in Jesus, we moved from God’s enemies to God’s friends. Continuing our Roots series, Pastor Derwin teaches on our reconciliation to God.
Jesus relives and rewrites our life with His perfect life, but we are tempted to find our identity elsewhere. Pastor Derwin teaches how to believe the truth instead of Satan’s lies.
Jesus rewrites our story, which was Adam’s story. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches the implications of what we, by birth, inherited from Adam and what we inherited, by faith, through Jesus.