A Burnt Offering

Today’s Reading: Exodus 29

Key Verse: Exodus 29:18

And you shall burn the whole ram on the altar. It is a burnt offering to the Lord; it is a sweet aroma, an offering made by fire to the Lord.

This seems like a strange ugly scene in the middle of the ceremony and pageantry of the ordination of the high priest and his fellow priests. Suddenly there is blood and death in the Tabernacle. Aaron and his sons are compelled to stand in their new beautiful robes and to participate in killing a ram. As they lay their hands on the animal, it is slaughtered, its blood drained and sprinkled around. God ordered this ugly scene to remind us of the ugliness and seriousness of sin. Our sin results in death. The ram’s death is a picture of God’s mercy. An animal was dying in the place of Aaron and his sons. Of course, no animal is worth the value of a human being. Ultimately, only a human being could die for another human. Jesus, fully Human and fully Divine, accomplished this death. Our hands were laid on Him as He died in our place.


Lord God, I recognize the horror of my sin which caused the terrible consequences of the death of Your Son, Jesus. I’m so very, very sorry, Lord. May I be sorry enough to quit my sin. The enormity of Christ’s personal sacrifice for me is overwhelming. I give You my life according to the grace You’ve given me to do so. I pray these mercies through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen!


As a boy I traveled with my Dad from time to time in his visitation of the farming community which he served as minister. On one occasion we happened on the slaughter of a steer. The bellowing, the struggling, the blood, the sight of its agony, the smell of death are scenes graphically imprinted on my mind. Sometimes, even now, when I’m enjoying one of Norma-Jean’s delicious roast beef dinners that experience comes to my mind. An animal died to provide for me. The enjoyment of the superb taste, including potatoes, gravy, peas, carrots and butternut squash soon turns the ugly memory to appreciation for such a gift. When I partake in the communion meal at church, I bring to mind John 6:52-59. In particular, verse 54 is startling. “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” This is true and I decided years ago to believe.

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