Want Wisdom?

Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 18

Key Verse: 1 Samuel 18:14

And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.

The Lord promises wisdom to all who ask Him for it. James 1:5 gives us this guarantee. Here is a New Testament reading for today (James 1:1-12). David not only behaved wisely himself, but he taught his son Solomon wisdom (Proverbs 4:1-9). Saul’s successes caused him to become arrogant. David’s successes brought him closer to God. Saul lived for self. David lived for God. Because Saul lived for himself, he became jealous of David. Saul’s focus was not on God’s future purpose for Israel, but on protecting his own position. Many leaders have fallen into this trap over the years. There are at least three lessons to be learned from today’s reading: (1) God will fight our battles; (2) We don’t have to strive to further our own cause; and (3) Serve God wholeheartedly.


Lord God, Your Word teaches me that “He who wins souls is wise” (Prov. 11:30b). You’ve called me to be a soul winner. Therefore, I pray for wisdom to be given to me so that I may win someone to You. I believe Your Word and I believe that when I engage someone in conversation, I will speak wise words. I pray this through Jesus Christ, Amen!


From personal experience I know that when I’ve not prayed first for wisdom, I’ve done more harm than good. My passion is to win souls to Jesus. After He had given “living water” to the woman at the well, she brought the people of her village out to meet Him. As they approached, Jesus said to His followers, “Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields, for they are already ripe for harvest” (John 4:35b). I’m deeply moved as I think of that scene. Jesus was so very wise. This precious woman had been married to five husbands, and at that point she was living with a man who was not her husband. Jesus didn’t condemn her. He quenched her thirst with living water and changed her life forever. His Words are “living water.” I’m drinking every morning and throughout the day by thinking of His Words that I read earlier. Why not read John 7:37-38?

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