Experiencing Life Today
Pete Briscoe
A little over a week ago, we completed our “Freedom Week” series and the support drive for “A Miracle Every Day.” Thank you again to those who gave!! But more than me thanking you, these comments from “A Miracle Every Day” readers reveal just how much of an impact that you’re making by giving. They wrote specifically to thank those who have contributed financially ...
“Thank you .. All the supporters of ‘A Miracle Every Day’. You indeed are blessed messengers chosen by the Lord..The Lord has chosen you to help those people who are in desperate need of help and support. (...) There are so many desperate souls who are in deep grief and burdened..and this message from ‘A Miracle Every Day’ can be a comforter, counselor, hope giver for many..May God bless you all abundantly..Be glad, you are the cause of "a big change in the world”. You are helping the Almighty to find all the lost and abandoned sheep..God bless you all..” (Sangeetha, India)
“Thank you for supplying us with your financial support in order to receive such amazing blessings through ‘A Miracle Every Day.’ Without your support, I would not have made it through the worst part of my life.” (Mary, TX, USA)
“Thank you so much for donating to ‘A Miracle Every Day.’ There are more blessings than I can count that have come from this daily email, and it radiates into the lives of the people I come in contact with every day! Your contribution is no small thing, it means a great deal to the people who are receiving these emails.” (Aaron, USA)
“I cannot thank you enough! As my husband and I go through a season of hardship, ‘A Miracle Every Day’ has given us hope. Most days I feel like GOD is talking directly to us, and it helps us stand still and wait on God. It has been a true blessing!” (Melanie, USA)
“Thank you for saving a life.” (Andi, USA)
“Thank you for supporting the most important calling from the Most High. You will be richly blessed with good measure, shaken, and pressed down in return. His Word will not return void. Glory to God, thank you.” (Larry, USA)
“Thank you ... may God bless you in every way. God is using you to make a difference. Trust me. DON'T STOP PLEASE.” (Fernando, USA)
“To all of those who aid in the production and delivery of ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ I would like to thank you. I believe sharing the life saving message provided by the gospel is one of the most important things a disciple of Christ can do. I know it strengthens my faith daily, and I'm sure the same could be said for many others who receive these messages.” (Jim, USA)
Glory to God! As you give in every area of life, may God abundantly bless and prosper you, showering you with His goodness. I know that He will!!
Thanks for existing!