Living Light
Dr. James Merritt
Exodus 20:12
Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
Did you know that God has given you, the mom, authority over your children? He wants you to discipline them, teach them, guide them and He wants your children to honor you. God wants that so much, that when He wrote out the Ten Commandments, it made the top ten list. That’s a big deal. Therefore, we, as moms, need to take our authority seriously. We do not need to abuse our authority, but we do not need to be giving the reins of our family over to our children. Neither a toddler nor a teenager need to be calling the shots of your family —you do.
You must teach your child that God has given you this authority and you answer to Him. If or when your child pushes back (and they will), have confidence that God knows what He is doing and you need to follow Him. Our children do not like us to have the authority —they believe that they know best. But whether they do or not, God has given that authority to the parents.
If your home is one where the children have been ruling the roost, you may need to have a meeting and make the announcement that there is a new sheriff in town…and that sheriff is you. Show them the verses in the Bible where God instructs children to honor and obey their parents. (Ephesians 6:1) Give the children your new strategy so they will be on the same page and then be consistent and loving while carrying out your new plan.
Father, I have been slack in this area of my life and I have allowed my children to run all over me. I have been inconsistent because, to be honest, it is so much work trying to get them to obey. God, I want to change my ways, but I need You to give me strength and endurance. When I am tired and I want to give up, remind me of this verse —YOU have given me authority.