Peace with God

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1)

"All I want is a bit of peace!" How often have you said those words? Even in our hi-tech world, with all its "mod cons" and labor-saving devices, "a little bit of peace" can often seem hard to find, can’t it? For the parent with a toddler, for the executive with a schedule, for the student with a deadline, for the salesperson with a target, finding a few minutes’ peace would be wonderful. And as for those in war-torn areas, peace would be worth anything.

Even when we find peace, it seems as if everything that can spoil it will try to. In the week that Mike wrote this, for example, his peace was severely challenged when, not only did his computer keep crashing, but he also got himself trapped on a train heading for a place he didn’t want to go to at a time when he had no time to spare!

God wants us to experience peace, and to experience it in every circumstance of daily life. The Bible tells us that such peace doesn’t depend on where we are or what’s going on around us; true peace can be found anywhere; for true peace is found in the heart, and the heart is something that no one can touch.

Some peaces in life can be negotiated; but not God’s peace! There is no bargaining or negotiating in the world that could let us arrange terms with God and find His peace. The only way peace could be made was when Christ died on the cross to pay the price of our sin. God Himself was the One making the peace for us, even though the hostilities began on our side!

Today, let’s thank God for Jesus, Who brings us peace with God; and let’s claim God’s promise that this peace is for enjoying in every circumstance of life – even those that face you today.

And through Christ, God has brought all things back to himself again – things on earth and things in heaven. God made peace through the blood of Christ’s  death on the cross. (Colossians 1:20, NCV)

© Copyright 2017 Martin Manser and Mike Beaumont

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