Sovereign God

Genesis 31: 7

God has not allowed him to harm me.

God protects His people.  In the story in the Bible of Jacob and his father in law, Laban, Laban was trying to cheat Jacob.  But, despite Laban’s efforts, God continued to bless Jacob.  Jacob kept his eyes on God and did not get caught up in the family drama, but stayed focused on his true father, the God of Israel.  Jacob did not allow himself to get caught up in fear or worry, instead he stayed true to God and His principles. 

Is there family drama going on in your life today? Do you feel that your in-laws are out to get you?  Do you believe that your friend or boss has a vendetta against you, which causes you fear?  Push against the fear and lean towards trust.  God is trustworthy and He will not allow harm to come to you. Jacob's story reminds us that even though it appears our 'enemy' is winning, God always wins.  Don’t get entangled in the way things “appear”- keep your eyes focused on God and it will all work out for your good in the end.

Prayer: Father, Thank You for taking care of me.  God, I want to be able to “see” You in the good and the bad, and I know that I have to push past my fear in order for that to happen. You are still with me, even during the bad times, so please always help me to remember that.  I love you, God. 

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