The Art of Resting

Then God blessed (spoke good of) the seventh day, and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:3

Holy simply means “set apart”. To set aside a day for rest is quite foreign in our fast-paced, drive-thru society. However, our God, in all his glory and majesty, took a day to rest, and he said it was a good thing. Take some time to rest and reflect on the good that you are creating. Carve out consistent time to rest. Perhaps take a baby step such as deciding you will not do laundry on Sundays. When your family asks you why, tell them, “Rest is good for God, and it is good for me.”

You need rest as a mom and God knows that. We need to look to God for our example and follow after his lead. If I want to be a mom who is engaged with my children, attentive to them and loving, then I need to rest every now and then. It is okay to rest. God wants you to take care of the body he has given you. Don’t feel guilty. 


God, give me the strength to follow your example of resting. I don’t want to be so busy being a mom that I forget to rest and take care of myself. Gently remind me throughout my week to take time to rest and help me honor you by setting aside a day to reflect on your goodness and provision. Amen

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