Ed Young Daily Devotionals

Seek godly discipline for it is something that provides security and protection.

A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls (Proverbs 25:28).


When we think of discipline, so often our minds rush to rules and regulations, strict guidelines and stringent guardrails. But true discipline, godly discipline, is something that provides security and protection.

The Bible tells us that discipline is simply making prearranged decisions. It's making the decision to follow God's path for life before we're presented with the choices in our daily life. When we follow through with discipline; when we focus on God's direction and set in our hearts and minds that we will not turn from that direction, we'll discover life on an entirely new level!


Thank God for giving us the ability to make decisions. Ask Him for discernment and direction as you face the decisions in your life.


Think about one area where you need more discipline: physical, financial, relational, spiritual, or moral. Write out a prayer to God asking Him to help you in that area, and carry that plan with you throughout this week.


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