God Is Compassionate

In those days, when there was again a large crowd and they had nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples and said to them, I feel compassion for the people because they have remained with Me now three days and have nothing to eat (Mark 8:1-2).


Often we can think that our needs are inconsequential in comparison with others. We ask ourselves, “How can God be concerned with what is going on in my life?” But here, Jesus was teaching a huge group of several thousand people and yet he showed his concern for their physical nourishment—their tangible needs.

Jesus is concerned with our needs as well. He cares about us so deeply and intimately that whatever is happening in our lives is on the forefront of His mind. Have you taken your concerns to Him? Don’t assume He doesn’t care. Because nothing is further from the truth.


Thank God for His compassion. Whatever you are facing right now, let God know about it. And trust that He cares about you.


Instead of being anxious about the tough things going on in your life, trust that God has your back. Write out your prayer to Him this morning, and when you find yourself facing a tough time, read that prayer out loud.

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