Life of Purity

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure... (James 3:17).


Godly wisdom is gained by looking up to God and seeking His direction. In today’s verse, we discover that godly wisdom overcomes sin, because God’s wisdom will always lead you into a life of purity.

When some people hear purity, they think that’s God’s way of raining on our parade. In fact, the opposite is true. God invented our feelings. God invented our emotions. God invented fun. God even invented sex! When we seek His wisdom, then when we pursue anything, we will pursue it with purity in mind. We’ll discover a life that is full of enjoyment and we will experience life the way it is meant to be lived!


Take a moment to simply thank God for His power and ability to overcome your sin. Ask Him for the kind of direction and wisdom you need today to experience life the way He wants you to live it.


Read the rest of James 3:17 and discover what other qualities godly wisdom has and can deliver in your life.


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