Obeying God’s Word

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22


The Christian life is all about obedience. In fact, two thirds of Jesus’ recorded words in the Bible are words of application—they are about taking what God says to us and following through with action.

Asking the right questions is crucial, and when it comes to following God’s plan, the right question is, “What must I now do?”  If we make a habit of acting on God’s Word rather than just listening to it, we will find ourselves discovering more than knowledge; we’ll experience the blessing that come from following God’s path for life.


Thank God for His instruction manual, the Bible. Let Him know that you see His Word as good for instruction, correction, and showing you the right way to live. And ask Him to continue showing you what He has called you to do.


Start a daily Bible reading plan today.  As you read daily, ask the right question: "What does Jesus want me to do with what I just read?"

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