Experiencing Life Today

God does not give us everything that we want; He gives us what we need.

"If God owns everything and knows everything, if he loves us and is perfect and holy in all he does, then everything he gives and everything he withholds can rightly be recognized as a good gift from him, even if we are unable to see it as such.” T. A. Hillard

Sometimes people put unreasonable expectations on God. We expect things that He never promised and then get frustrated when we don’t have them right now.

God does not give us everything that we want. He gives us what we need.

Moses was aware of the great need he and the Israelites had for God’s presence. It wasn’t just a desire; Moses knew it was a necessity.

Then Moses said to him… "How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?" And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked…”  (Exodus 33:16-17).

God knew that Moses’ request reflected a real need. They DID need His presence for their mission. So God said He would do it. He provided for their need.

He is a perfect provider. 

  • God owns everything (Psalm 50:10-12).
  • God is generous (Acts 14:16-17).
  • God is aware of our needs (Matthew 6:31-32).

In confidence, therefore, we can not only ask God for what we hope He will provide, but we can be confident that He is already providing, right now, the very things that we DO need.

If this is true, shouldn't our prayers be focused on aligning our desires and will with what God clearly says that we need?

Can you tell the difference between your desires and what a loving Father knows that you need? Do you believe that God is providing for you right now everything that you truly need, just as He will provide for you in the future

God, thank You that You ARE providing everything I need today. I pray that You make the difference between what I want and what I actually need very clear. Thank You for Your promise of providing for my future, just like You did yesterday, and the day before that. Amen.

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