
1 Corinthians 1:18

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." KJV

There are many websites, books, movies and other things portraying the message of the cross as foolish. People pursue legal action to remove the cross and its meaning. Why? The cross offends those who do not want to hear the message. Jesus Christ came and died for our sins, and that's offensive?! Yes, we are all sinners. "Well, that is just so judgmental." No, friend, it's the truth. People don't want to hear it. Jesus and the cross demand that we admit our failings. We cannot admit we are sinners and yet cling to our pride.

Pride feels so good, doesn't it? "Look at me. I am a self-made man. Come and be amazed by my shiny pride." No friend, you are an incomplete and malfunctioning created being without Jesus in your heart. In spite of your pride, He stands knocking and waiting for you to open the door and ask Him in. It's an incredibly simple plan that requires an incredibly simple response of child-like faith and a King David sized heart of boldness.

Life Lesson: The fact people think we are foolish is evidence that they are perishing.

Dear God,
Thank You for loving me. Thank You for the invitation of the cross. I know my sins have separated me from You, Lord. I ask that You forgive me of all of my sins. Give me the power to live for You all the days of my life. Thank You that You have made my relationship with You so simple. In humble faith, I give You my weaknesses and flaws and ask that Your glory be revealed in me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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