
1 Timothy 4:13

"Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine." NKJV

The power of God's Word impacts all areas of life. As we read the Hebrew Scriptures, we learn actual history about our world, God's people and His power. When we read through the Gospels, we learn about Jesus, who He was and what He did for us. Later in Acts and in the epistles, we learn how to have church and what our future holds. Of course, one of the greatest blessings of Scripture is the realization of who we are before Jesus and who we become after Jesus.

When we reflect on the Bible, we get an unedited glimpse of who we really are as humans. We are broken and sinful. We are deceived and in need of saving. When we see our sinfulness, it leads us to the Savior. And at the foot of the cross, we find forgiveness and grace. This forgiveness is by His grace - all because of what Jesus has done. But God does not stop there. You see, we are saved and seen perfect in God's eyes, yet we still struggle in this fallen world. This is where God's Word gives us guidance on how we are to live and the power we have to live like Jesus. All these amazing Truths work together to mold and shape us bit by bit into the image of Jesus. God was aware of us long before we came to be, and yet His love for us is never changing. He not only provided a way to experience His love through forgiveness, but He also gave us His very words to lead us through this life.

Psalm 139:1, 6: "O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me...Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!" NLT

Life Lesson: God wants to "wow" you with HIS intimate details and knowledge of you.

Dear God,
I praise You for Your understanding of who I am. You know the hairs on my head and the paths I will take and yet, despite my failings, Your love is unchanging. Thank You for salvation and for giving me Your Word so that I can live an abundant life with You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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