Time Waster

Titus 3:9

"Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time."

One of the songs we love to sing in our fellowship is titled, "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love". This song sums up how the world "should" view us as followers of Christ. Unfortunately, the world is more apt to recognize churches these days for their disagreements and backbiting, rather than their love.

Yes, as followers of Christ, we must stand up for the Truth and present the primary issues of the Scriptures with boldness and power. Issues like the virgin birth, salvation by grace alone through faith alone and the inerrancy of Scripture are all key doctrines that must be upheld. Yet, we also must not be overwhelmed with secondary issues & foolish debates that lead to division. So, you like pipe organ and a choir for worship? That's cool. Does that mean you can't fellowship with a guy who likes electric guitar & drums? Of course not! If he loves Jesus and you love Jesus, then fellowship together in Christ.

Once we all quit wasting time arguing over the foolish things and begin loving one another, this world will take notice. Then we can point them to the One who loved us first.

Life Lesson: Don't waste time arguing about stuff that does not matter. By the way, most stuff does not matter.

Dear God, 
Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Jesus who showed that love by dying on the cross for my sins. Lord, help me to look beyond petty issues and foolish arguments so that I may show Your love to those around me. Fill me with Your Spirit so that I will be ready to stand for Your Truth and to share the love of Christ wherever I go. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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