The Joy of My Heart
Anne Graham Lotz
“God exalted Him to His own right hand as Prince and Savior that He might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel.” Acts 5:31
He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the firstborn, the shepherd, and the Prince. All of these terms are used in the New Testament to describe our Lord Jesus Christ. But what exactly do they mean? It is impossible to ever fully understand or explain all that Jesus is… that is why there are so many different descriptions of Him throughout the Bible.
In this passage, the disciples use two words to describe Jesus – Prince and Savior. Despite the threat of imprisonment and even death, these God-fearing disciples refuse to quit proclaiming the truth of Christ…who He is and what He has done. In fact, they cannot stop because they know first-hand His majesty, glory and grace. They know He lives, He reigns, and He alone can save.
The original meaning of the word they use, Prince, is, “The chief leader, a pioneer, one who takes the lead and thus affords an example.” Not only is Jesus the Savior, He is the One Who has gone before us, showing us the way to God. His life shows us how to live in relationship with God. His death shows us how to die to our own wills and embrace the perfect will of the Father. His resurrection shows us that to die means to truly live, and that in Him we have new life. And His ascension shows us that He is ruling over all things, whether visible or invisible, earthly or heavenly.
As Christians, literally “little Christs,” we have been empowered to follow His example. We have been entrusted with His ministry and message. We have been enveloped by His grace and mercy. His Spirit is our guide, leading us to follow the Pioneer of faith.
Are you following the Leader? The Prince and Savior is all you need. He is worthy of all sacrifice and praise. His promises are true and His grace is sufficient. Whatever is holding you back, let it go. Surrender to the Lord Jesus and believe that He truly is exalted to God’s own right hand.
Dear Father, Today I surrender my life to Your hands. Help me to trust You in every situation. Thank You for Jesus, my Prince and Savior. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.