LovingKindness Ministries

Lori Dixon reminds us to get real and to be true to who God has made us to be.
Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. (1Timothy 4:7-8 ESV)

While on Facebook recently, a friend posted a picture with the caption, ‘Life is too short for fake butter, cheese or people.’

Now, I like that. I so do!

When my girls and I are going to have a bowl of popcorn, it’s going to be smothered in real butter. And if I’m going to eat cheese – it’s gotta be real aged cheddar or forget about it. People? Yeah, the real deal is where it’s at.

I still remember when a friend’s husband told me that I was the first female friend his wife had ever had. She grew up a bit of a tomboy and just could not relate to girls. He went on to say something to the affect that, ‘You’re kind of more like a guy than a woman’.

Interpret that how you’d like, but it made me laugh, smile, and walk a bit taller. I took it as a compliment! So many of us women struggle with our identities and body images and tend to hide behind masks as a result. Now yes, I know . . . men are full of their own insecurities and issues unique to them, but for me, my friend’s husband’s comment indicated that I was finally living authentically. I had given up trying to put on the airs of perfection and Martha Stewart living that just didn’t come naturally to me – nor interest me. If a friend wants to come by for a visit, she’s going to get handed a Keurig coffee cup.  And if she’s lucky, the cookies I dump onto a plate from a box may not be stale. This is quite the contrast from years ago when some well-meaning Christian women told me that my lack of domestic details when it came to hospitality was a reflection of my lack of love. And, for a few months, I believed them!  But then God.

God showed me that my special batch of cookies I was making to present to whoever may pop by, were laced with resentment and not blended in love. My heart was not found in the kitchen, as this was my season of study and I would have rather been deep in my Strong’s concordance.  So I got real. And bought some boxed cookies. And made one of the best friends I have ever had as a result.

Ladies, we need to be true to who God has made us to be. If we are called and find worship in domestic gifting and acts of hospitality . . . then Hallelujah! But please, for the love of God’s design, don’t press on your sisters to force them to become a version of you. Allow us all to bloom in the way and manner that He’s designed us.  And teachers of the Word . . . open up scriptures and encourage others to be students of the Word, but don’t guilt friends and confuse them with deep, divisive theologies unless they ask. Let’s all get real with ourselves . . . and each other. Life is too short for fake anything.

Father, forgive us for the oppression we place on ourselves and each other. Help us to learn to embrace the women You’ve made us to be and to encourage authenticity in our friendships. In Jesus’ name, Amen.






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